Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Dear Abby with a Modern, Gen Y, Career Girl Twist!

Dear Abby with a Modern, Gen Y, Career Girl Twist! I am so eager to begin another week by week highlight here to address the entirety of your impressive questions! Every week I will post Dear Classy Career Girl. Why am I so excited? Because when I was more youthful I LOVED Dear Abby and I read her section everyday in the newspaper. Now we get the opportunity to do the equivalent thing. Just think ~ Dear Abby with an advanced/vocation young lady contort! Along these lines, all together for this week by week post to be as awesome as it very well may be, I NEED YOU! Send on over your inquiries concerning office decorum, the board, graduate school, pursuit of employment, talk with readiness, my 4 X 4 systems administration challenge, vocation style, self-awareness, work-life balance, business college or motivation. Here are 4 simple ways you can ask me questions. I will never utilize your name except if you need me to so dont stress! 1) Leave a remark. 2) Email me at 3) Tweet me @classycareer 4) Comment on my Facebook page: I cannot hold on to address your inquiries!!

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